Category: 05 The weekend niece

  • Mothers and their connections

    The weekend niece. from the book, Searching for treasures      Gabriel asked genuinely interested. It was quite clear that he couldn’t grasp why Oscar would leave such a good life behind. He was trying to understand his friend’s motivation and reasons. What could drive a person that worked for himself to search for a…

  • A traveling Mexican circus

    The weekend niece. from the book, Searching for treasures      Some things occur in a spontaneous way, or they simply just don’t happen. In this case, they both hit it off from the start and almost immediately a spark of friendship kindled between them.      On that night, when their paths crossed, Gabriel…

  • A fortunate chance encounter in Lima

    The weekend niece. from the book, Searching for treasures      Ultimately, it was through those enchanted gardens of green light of the Ecuadorian Amazon that he wandered until arriving at the border with Peru.      There are moments in life when it is difficult to discern if the forks found on our way…

  • Don Melquíades Arango Baltazar

    The weekend niece. from the book, Searching for treasures      He lived together with the communities of the faraway rural areas, intensely enjoying the incomparable beauty of their country-side settings. What he most loved of these times in his life was decidedly the warmth of the people and the simple country life. Always ready…

  • Walking the trails among volcanoes

    The weekend niece. from the book, Searching for treasures      Deep down inside of himself, Oscar felt at ease. He was confident that his father’s estate was in good hands. Jacinto, from whom he had learned most everything he knew about farming would surely be in charge and administering the farm. With savings in…

  • Cocoa lands in the south

    The weekend niece. from the book, Searching for treasures      A few hours later, it was all over. Aurora was beaming and feeling very happy! She had done her share of the labors, and a beautiful black pony lay right by her side. It had white spots on its knees and on the forehead…

  • Animals and children

    The weekend niece. from the book, Searching for treasures      Once he finished, he asked for hot water and a few things necessary to attend to the mare. From his day-pack, he took out a pouch containing his veterinary instruments. Washing his hands meticulously, he then proceeded to sterilize his instruments. Once ready, he…

  • Calming nervous dispositions

    The weekend niece. from the book, Searching for treasures      Oscar was immediately interested. He was, above anything else, passionate about animals. And of all the animals in the world, his favorites were the horses.      Arriving at the farm, Oscar asked his friend to take him directly to the stables. One of…

  • There’s always a first time

    The weekend niece. from the book, Searching for treasures      They were about to reach the farm when the conversation centered on crop-related issues. In particular, Miguel Enrique was concerned about a pest that seemed to affect the coffee. They went through different options to control the infestation. Oscar, having grown up on a…

  • Beyond de border

    The weekend niece. from the book, Searching for treasures      Feeling free of worries and responsibilities, he was happy to have it as far as Armenia. He went into a restaurant, captivated by the delicious aromas he encountered passing by in front of it. While he was waiting for his meal, he took out…