A traveling Mexican circus

The weekend niece. from the book, Searching for treasures

Yellows and reds San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, México
Yellows and reds
San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, México

     Some things occur in a spontaneous way, or they simply just don’t happen. In this case, they both hit it off from the start and almost immediately a spark of friendship kindled between them.

     On that night, when their paths crossed, Gabriel opened up and talked to Oscar about his quite unusual lifestyle and his work. As it happens, together with his two brothers, they owned a traveling circus.

     They traveled with their circus throughout South America, offering their show to the cities and towns in their erratic way. This way of life, immediately mesmerized Oscar’s powerful and adventurous spirit.
Their grandparents had founded the circus, and now, it belonged to the third generation. It was they, whom intrepidly lead it wandering through the world. This shift in the conversation, utterly fascinated Oscar. He avidly listened to the intimate description of this extraordinary lifestyle that was so completely unknown to him.
Gabriel, in turn, listened with a singular attention to the extraordinary narrative describing the adventures, of his hotel companion’s, trip from Colombia to Lima. With great interest, he inquired about his university studies and his experience on the farm. What seemed to interest him most, was the time he had spent assisting Doctor Valenzuela. He interrupted Oscar occasionally to ask about his experiences while he had worked with the veterinarian. It would seem, he was deeply impressed by his new friend’s great affinity with horses.

     “But, what I just can’t understand, my man, is why you ran away from home, from your parent’s home? You had everything there: your horse, your work, you were managing the farm and making plenty of dough. Now, with money, you can do whatever you want, as you well know. Besides all of that, you were living with your folks, and from what I gather it was a nice town and a good place to live.”

Versión en español            Searching for treasures           Purchase the book

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