Tag: 08 When older brothers marry

  • The dawn of a new day

    The dawn of a new day ….. Chapter VIII: When the older brothers marry      As he smiled, Grandfather hugged me close to him and then he asked:      “So Francisca, my dear, would you like to hear a story, from my childhood days?” I knew for sure, it would be one of…

  • A casual stroll in the night

    A casual stroll in the night ….. Chapter VIII: When the older brothers marry      I have lost track of how many times I have been back in my dreams to find that little girl and accompany her, to tell her she is not completely alone. But I find she is most definitely shocked…

  • Broken dreams

    An unforgettable night ….. Chapter VIII: When the older brothers marry      There are a vast amount of reminiscences of my childhood, inextricably linked to my grandfather. Among all these recollections, one stands out, forever present, with all its clarity and in each minute detail; it has impressed itself in such a way that…

  • An unforgettable night

    An unforgettable night ….. Chapter VIII: When the older brothers marry      There are a vast amount of reminiscences of my childhood, inextricably linked to my grandfather. Among all these recollections, one stands out, forever present, with all its clarity and in each minute detail; it has impressed itself in such a way that…

  • The exception to the rule

    The exception to the rule ….. Chapter VIII: When the older brothers marry      At the time of my birth, my grandfather held the opinion that the first-born child should invariably be a male, but that since I was both as beautiful as special, in my case, he was willing to make an exception.…

  • An exhaustive education

    An exhaustive education ….. Chapter VIII: When the older brothers marry      In spite of their occasional sour disposition, they were kind to me, and they treated me with love and with the utmost affection. In their own way, they strived to prepare me for the adversities, they believed that life had in store…

  • The art of spreading rumors

    The art of spreading rumors ….. Chapter VIII: When the older brothers marry      We were positively a big family: my parents, my nine siblings, and of course, myself. We lived with my grandparents, together with Grandfather’s sisters, Miss Carmela and Miss Josefina. All in all, we all lived quite happily together, tucked in…

  • A dozen kids, please…

    A dozen kids, please… ….. Chapter VIII: When the older brothers marry      Talking about large families, my father was the apple that fell close to the tree; or if you prefer: like father, like son, as you will. My name is Francisca Díaz, and I am the eldest of five brothers and four…

  • When older brothers marry

    Chapter VIII:  When older brothers marry Talking about large families, my father was the apple that fell close to the tree; or if you prefer: like father, like son, as you will. My name is Francisca Díaz, and I am the eldest of five brothers and four sisters. Ten siblings may sound numerous, but my…