Category: 12 The Atlantic Coast and its Caribbean pirates

  • Talking about peppers and other things

    Talking about peppers and other things ….. Chapter 12. The Atlantic Coast and its Caribbean pirates      “Look, my child, what do you make out to your right, towards the west?”      “That’s a big peninsula with a couple of lakes. Oops, Grandfather, I mean, that’s a big volcano with a double crater,”…

  • The views from the heights

    The views from the heights ….. Chapter 12. The Atlantic Coast and its Caribbean pirates      Afterwards, Grandfather mentioned, in passing, how he had explained to them that after having eighteen children and more than fifty grandchildren, he was not an amateur, for he was a seasoned and experienced veteran of child-rearing. Also, he…

  • Preparations for the trip

    Heading towards the Atlantic Coast ….. Chapter 12. The Atlantic Coast and its Caribbean pirates      “At school, they’re going to want to rid themselves of your sorry soul and feverish little body and turn you over to the family. Then, when they place their nervous little call, I’ll answer and reassure the devils.”…

  • Heading towards the Atlantic Coast

    Heading towards the Atlantic Coast ….. Chapter 12. The Atlantic Coast and its Caribbean pirates      “All you have to do,” he said, “is place half an onion in each armpit, and then wait between ten to fifteen minutes, for the best results,” he continued explaining. “By that time, your body temperature should be…

  • Home remedies

    Home remedies ….. Chapter 12. The Atlantic Coast and its Caribbean pirates      “You have a surprise Grandfather? Well, that’s fine by me! You know how I just love surprises.” I answered, as he gave me a small brown paper bag he had carried. “Oh Grandfather, how did you guess how much I wanted…

  • Life… is the greatest adventure

    Life… is the greatest adventure ….. Chapter 12. The Atlantic Coast and its Caribbean pirates      Of the many adventures that ultimately describe our lives, looking back it seems that some have led to remarkable achievements, others facilitated the discovery of promising new lands and places; but perhaps the most cherished and treasured of…

  • The Atlantic Coast and its Caribbean pirates

    Chapter XII:   The Atlantic Coast and its Caribbean pirates Of the many adventures that ultimately describe our lives, looking back it seems that some have led to remarkable achievements, others facilitated the discovery of promising new lands and places; but perhaps the most cherished and treasured of all, are those shared, with an extraordinary…