Tag: Vol. V Living between borders

  • Existencial childhood doubts

    Existencial childhood doubts

    Her worst doubts in life were when she doubted herself “Where do I begin? You already know how that conniving scoundrel, without the least bit of scruples, boldly hindered and interfered with both of my most cherished affections…” “And, allow me to elaborate on this issue: on the enormous scope of the influence exerted by…

  • Painful memories

    Painful memories

    Pronouncing himself as her father was, indeed, one of the most selfish act in his life… “The truth of the matter is simply that all the recollections associated with this scoundrel and his presence in my life are, still today, painful in extreme,” Pilar remarked, centering the conversation, “On the other hand, my love, I…

  • A decidedly negative influence

    A decidedly negative influence

    Among that multitude of recollections that lay in lost in oblivion, she searched, perhaps fruitlessly, for but one memory of her lost father, which could inspire, at least, a trace of affection. She was pensive, gathering her thoughts. After a long moment, she continued, a clear determination could be her in her voice, for she…

  • The first poems of a little dreamer girl

    The first poems of a little dreamer girl

    As old as humanity, were the first dreams they had and their strong desire to share them “Let us abbreviate and get down to the heart of the matter. It was Miss Teresita who awakened the love of reading, in all the girls in my classroom. Of that perhaps, a small group of little girls,…

  • Angels and demons descend from Heaven and Hell

    Angels and demons descend from Heaven and Hell

    There are bad birds that are found in the deepest marshlands, and they inspire confusion, but equally, the white birds are also there… the beautiful birds of the Illumination. A fragment based on the Short story, The black birds and destinies, from the book Living between borders, by edudelcorral Having said that, they both began…

  • A first encounter

    A first encounter

    If I had to place a bet on either Death or Time, I’d place all of my money on the second one, This I can affirm most categorically and without any doubts…                From Love and never forget, in the book, Searching for treasures, by edudelcorral View of the…

  • Un expected turn of events

    Un expected turn of events

    Some things last for a long time, but none is forever, this is true of the deserts and the mountains, and also of human affairs “Those were happy days; don’t think I have any regrets,” she continued in a quiet, reflexive mood. “Evidently, as the years went by, I began to go to school. My…

  • Late hours in the kitchen

    Late hours in the kitchen

    The best moments in life usually arrive spontaneously and unexpected That was a part of her story that Felipe had personally witnessed; although he ignored how far back her father’s aversion towards the piano and her reading went back to. He did remember how shortly after meeting her father, he had clearly expressed his thoughts…

  • Great-grandfather relocates in Sucre

    Great-grandfather relocates in Sucre

    He learned many things during the springtime of his life,  thanks to which… his winter days held a definite warmth Having made a fortune with the price of his shares, he decided to sell out and relocate in Sucre. Among others, he was surely attracted by the climate, (it was certainly far milder than the typical five…

  • Reminiscences from the past

    Reminiscences from the past

    And how many times do the ghosts of yesterdays, surprisingly, peek into our tomorrows? As for Felipe, he knew his wife’s history and perfectly well, at that, for from an early age they had become inseparable friends. All in all, with respect to her earlier life, for some reason Pilar had always been quite reserved.…