Tag: Vol. V Living between borders

  • An unexpected surprise

    An unexpected surprise

    How brief our presence, in light of the unstoppable passage of the successive generations  Felipe was a little distracted at the moment, slightly absorbed in his own silent considerations, under the quiet intimacy they shared in those late hours of the night. It was precisely at that moment, when the barking of a dog was…

  • Melodious accents

    Melodious accents

    Of matters of men I’ve seen more than my share: in their houses and in their lifestyles, and in their way to dress, or not to dress. In their churches and in the things, they believe these contain. From, The treasure, in the book, Searching for treasures, by edudelcorral Pilar paused and breathed in deeply,…

  • A woman of her times

    A woman of her times

    The greatest conquest of mankind happens each time a person achieves the conquest of themselves.  “Allow me to expand on this, if only in the passing. Simply said, a hundred years before, the number of women composers was quite small, and they were absolutely frowned upon by most of the population.” The same happened in…

  • The airs of change

    The airs of change

    It happens that the most audacious roads are met with accomplishment and with loneliness   “Allow me to digress, just a bit, in this matter on hand, my dear Felipe. You see, back in those times, when my mother had not yet married, it was natural for women to play the piano, but the interpretation…

  • The real parents

    The real parents

    In the end, for her, her real parents were those adults in her life that loved her and guided her onwards in life “Julian, (Pilar’s grandfather), directed the orchestra. That in itself, was not such an extraordinary event, for he had amassed a great many presentations beforehand. The unusual and utterly unbelievable happening on that…

  • A gala night

    A gala night

    In each generation, there a those who will question the natural state of affairs At that moment, Felipe’s expression changed, for he had recognized the voice of Pilar’s grandmother, the unmistakable voice of Angelica, that extraordinary woman, who so boldly had dared to publicly play the violin, during those times in which the instrument was…

  • Mother and daughter conversations

    And how many conversations took place between a mother and her daughter, through innumerable civilisations and uncountable millennia “That was how it turned out, that on one night, my mother and I, happened to share this long conversation. It consisted on the history of my father, that same person, whom I was always so terrified of.” “Whom…

  • Unveiling the truths

    Unveiling the truths

    Sometimes, it’s best to let sleeping truths lie “Let us continue and forget about these matters for the moment. We will surely get back to it and recognize your noble sentiments and of course your legal perceptions which, by the way, have my absolute support and credit.” “But, for now, to center this discussion which…

  • Ideas and realitites

    Ideas and realitites

    The evident and the obvious passes on occasions, imperceptibly  Pilar remained in silence for a while, quietly observing as she felt herself alive and overflowing with admiration for the ideas so energetically expressed by Felipe. The profound conviction she heard in his voice filled her with brimming emotions, and at that moment, she felt so…

  • Verbal violence

    Verbal violence

    And, with so much aggression, her self.esteem and desire to belong, made her so much more vulnerable Immediately, Felipe replied, “I totally agree! Personally, I realize how fortunate, my life had been, and I am fully aware of the fact. I never experienced a situation like yours, at least, directly. But, since we met, rather I…