A mare with the color of snow

The weekend niece. from the book, Searching for treasures

Afternoon views Manizales, Caldas, Colombia
Afternoon views
Manizales, Caldas, Colombia

  “Ladies and Gentlemen! Youngsters and Children! Welcome to the Garcia Brothers Circus, who is proud to present on this fine night, here in the famous and renowned City of Arequipa, the proud Pearl of the South, forever taken care by its colossal volcanoes, for the pleasure and entertainment of all of you have been so kind to assist this spectacular evening… The greatest show on Earth and of all times!”
The more than twenty-five musicians of the band struck the most uproarious, thunderous music and filled the carp with its clamor, just as Oswaldo’s last words were dying out. It was the tremendously, characteristic circus music, the kind that could be heard in any of the circuses all over the world. It caused an immediate reaction in the crowd, who promptly began to applaud, shout, cheer, whistle and utterly display their uncontained eagerness for the show to begin. Perfectly synchronized with the music’s not so subtle cue, and right on exact instant, the horses’ parade began to file their eloquent entrance into scenario. Each horse bore a rider on their back, and yes, also dressed up in their gorgeous, sparkling charro suits.
At last, but not least, was the grand entrance of Carito’s horse, precisely illuminated by all the spotlights that in a moment’s breath had switched to center his sudden presence in their mighty beams. The horse seemed like if it were some glorious character that had emerged magically from an ancient mythological tale and into the night!
Carito, mounted on her horse, the color of the deep snows that covered the majestic city volcanoes, crowned the procession with her triumphant entry onstage. She had allowed scarce few seconds to pass by, before allowing the spotlight to reveal her, the exact heartbeats to underline and emphasize her presence, as if she were a goddess that unexpectedly had materialized dazzling the world that surrounded her.
Slowly they advanced, with short, nimble steps, in a elusive dance, gradually separating from the group that preceded them. She sported a white charro dress that exactly matched Oswaldo’s exotic suit, and stopping to stand next to him, side by side with her white mare, La Relincha, who then reared on her hind legs, stretching upwards as high as she could reach..

Versión en español            Searching for treasures           Purchase the book

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