Some tremendously proud parents

The weekend niece. from the book, Searching for treasures

Pedestrian street Historical Center, Arequipa, Peru
Pedestrian street
Historical Center, Arequipa, Peru

     Excited, Gabriel interrupted. “And you’re not gonna believe this, but the girl, turns around and asks Azlan: isn’t that right, my dearest little neighbor? And he has the cheek to answer by neighing, while he moves his head up and down. And if that weren’t enough, he has the nerve to put himself in front of her, planting that big head of his on her shoulder and snorting-out loudly! Can you believe the guy?”

     Clearly enjoying Oscar’s reaction, Oswaldo then added the following explanation: Now, for or the grand finale of this most extraordinary episode, Bro; she regards me with an unblinking gaze, and then begins to tell me off, with this sweet, innocent and soft voice: “My name is Caro, pleased to meet you, I’m sure. Sir, about the circus personnel and all that thing, I really don’t have the slightest idea about that. This fine Gentleman, standing right here with me now, and with that, she kisses Azlan on his forehead, has kindly invited me to form part of the herd, what do you think of that?” after saying this, Oswaldo began to laugh. It was thick, heartfelt laughter that would soon be followed by all the rest.

     Oscar tried to imagine the scene that was being described and decided to give it up joining the rest as they laughed at that day’s astonishing events. Definitely this is a crazy place all of them are out of their minds, beginning with the brothers, the doctor, and it seems that, these sisters from Cali as well. I love this circus thing. I’m sure my parents would be so proud of me …

Versión en español            Searching for treasures           Purchase the book

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