Tag: Vol. V Living between borders

  • So much life after

    So much life after

    As the years went by, these became an entire lifetime The days of his infancy overflowed with of a multitude of events and chores, all of these bathed in that particular colourful light of the innocent freshness of childhood.   And yet, those so special moments, right before dawn of the new day would stay as…

  • A fleeting childhood

    A fleeting childhood

    When a child, he was anxious to become an adult; when an adult, he was anxious to return to his childhood Magnifico knew very well that his father didn’t mind his arriving later than him to the shed. Actually, he once overheard a conversation between his parents in which they had broached that particular subject. “He’s growing so…

  • When the goats are grazing

    When the goats are grazing

    And the more he dreamed about tomorrow, the more he forgot about today An outstanding kid, like any other of the many kids that lived in the country. Magnífico would help his father with the milking; then, he it was time to take all the animals out to the pasture. And of course, he also…

  • Selling the cheese

    Selling the cheese

    In that simple life, they found all they needed and they found they need anything else The facades at the centre          Querétaro, Querétaro, México With the milk from the cows, the goats and the sheep, they made the creamy and delicious cheeses, and they were more than good. They sold quickly…

  • Beginning another day

    Beginning another day

    Yellows           Supía, Caldas, Colombia Every day the chickens and the coop had to be looked after, and that was one more of Magnifico’s tasks. Early the boy would help gather the eggs, after the milking was done and before taking the cows out to pasture. Then, the best time of the…

  • The delicious tamales from the farm

    The delicious tamales from the farm

    She was the sorceress of the altars in the kitchen Magnifico’s mother never agreed to keep pigs at the farm. At least once a month, she would dedicate herself fully to the making tamales (steamed corn meal rolls filled with pork and spices). For the tamale fillings she preferred to buy a piglet from her neighbours,…

  • While the cows await

    While the cows await

    What didn’t happen in a year, happened in a while… just like our life “Hey Papa, that thing about growing, I don´t feel like a child anymore, how long does that take?” “Well, that’s stuff is on its way, now. Very soon, very soon, son, you’ll see. Getting up earlier doesn’t make the sun rise sooner, son. Look,…

  • In the orchard

    In the orchard

    Life would set the rhythms to which they danced Magnifico’s mother, also had an orchard and a small greenhouse at the back of their house. There, she grew all sorts of vegetables, different herbs and spices. Eventually all that would end up in the kitchen of the house, with its huge wood burning stove that they…

  • The bean patch

    The bean patch

    Eat when hungry and sleep when you feel sleepy And, as if it didn’t seem, there were enough things to be done; they also kept a patch where they grew beans, next to the bananas, and the yucca. Spread among these throughout the plot, they had coffee plants. The coffee was roasted in the house, on the kitchen…

  • The craft of waking

    The craft of waking

    Rising earlier does not make the day begin before Magnifico would quietly think a small while, before he answered: “But I really do try! It’s just that my eyes won’t open earlier. But really, I try very hard and put all I have into it, but, somehow, I just don’t wake up any earlier”. His father listened to…