Tag: Cdmex

  • The first love

    The first love

    As the years went by, he began to lose all his memories, all but one… his first love   Paseo de la Reforma Av.         Chapultepec, Cdmex, Mexico The time for the coffee break was after having milked Lencha, followed by Eugenia, and concluding with Maria Camila. This last cow, was Lencha’s youngest…

  • The little village school

    Outside,  a universe was waiting… until the day he learned to read A daily routine, possibly simple and straightforward, but still, it gave a meaning to his life. Certainly, it also gave him the possibility of earning the bread he ate at breakfast, which he would later enjoy together with his parents at home. By…

  • In every smile, a greeting

    In every smile, a greeting

    Even his bad fortune, was received with a smile A smile would be more than enough to exchange a warm greeting between them. Right after, he would sit next to his father, and get ready to begin with, his chores and make the day worth its while. Later, when the moment for a break had finally…