Tag: A wandering artist

  • Free passes to the circus

    Free passes to the circus

    How many unforgettable moments in that house on the branches of the old pine tree That conversation took place, the day when they were busy building his hidden tree house, in the highest branches of one of the tallest trees near the road, scarcely two hundred yards from the road, but still, perfectly hidden and concealed…

  • A tiny circus entertainer

    A tiny circus entertainer

    And for each and everyone, fate is determined each and every day As time went by, his parents grew used to watching him walk all the unimaginable heights the boy found in his path, and this, with an impeccable equilibrium. There was no doubt, as to the natural gift he had been endowed with, for it…

  • A first performance

    A first performance

     “I’ve run into borders where the countries are joined by bridges that rise high above the said river, gullies or the canyons that divide them. Others I have encountered, in which the countries are separated by bottomless pits between their different cultures that would appear to be almost impossible to negotiate or to cross.” The…

  • Searching for the heights

    Searching for the heights

    He was always fascinated by the world as seen from above Forever love          Rue de Rivoli, Paris Francia Back in his toddler days, Magnifico displayed amazing abilities, even in the first years of age. For example, when only fifteen months’ old, beyond already walking perfectly well, he already jumped all over…

  • The Hunter

    The Hunter

    And so, he  understood the when’s and the where’s of any place he found himself, at any moment  And effectively, in that precise moment, right in front of Magnifico, The Hunter was standing. The seven stars formed his legendary and infallible bow, with which he never had erred a shot. Of course, the stars that…

  • Among myths and twinkling lights

    Among myths and twinkling lights

    And during the long summer nights, he would recreate the epic stories, as described by those intriguing far away lights Also, he would explain how they were grouped into constellations and tell him the stories behind those ancient stars. What the boy liked most of these nocturnal sessions were the stories, as told by these ancient stars.…

  • The significance of the moment

    The significance of the moment

    And it was after many years had gone by that he asked himself, when had he stopped carrying his marbles in his pocket, especially the one he called “The Tiger’s eye”, for that was the moment when for better or for worse, he had become a grown up and learned to put up with life. After…

  • The bitter winds

    The bitter winds

    And when he closed the door behind himself, and to his surprise… he found a world waiting for his arrival Another smile lit up his face as he realized that in effect, he was the only one awake in the farm. Relaxed, he walked soundlessly to the house’s door. He opened it slowly, making sure it didn’t creak…

  • The smiles in the morning

    The smiles in the morning

    And naively, we imagine ourselves measuring time passing by our lives, when it’s our lives who are passing by in time Convinced he went to bed. He felt the fatigue invade his awareness, dragging toward that mysterious dream world. He still resisted sleep, as he kept on repeating that simple phrase, searching for the hidden power in its…

  • The morning prayers

    The morning prayers

    And he discovered that when he felt sad, his eyes would mist, and he marvelled that this could be so  And now, so many years and so much life after, every day at that peaceful hour, he prayed for his mother and for his father, taken from him when he was barely ten years old.  …