Category: Vol. V Living between borders

  • The hare and the turtle

    The hare and the turtle

    Childhood is lived only once,, but is remembered on so many more occasions Deep in his dream, the first voice he recognised was Danilo’s distinctive, young voice. It belonged to his best friend. They went way back to when they studied their two years of grammar school. He listened to his voice, impressed by the clarity of the sound. “Now look, you…

  • Voices from the past

    Voices from the past

    None of his most cherished recollections ever surpassed the memory of first love It was the same park where he had once carved a promise of love for Camila. The memory of Camila lifted feeling kept buried beneath the weight of so many years on the road.     The voices and shouting gradually revealed their…

  • Engraving promises

    Engraving promises

    Some promises he engraved on walls, others on trees, but all are impressed forever in his heart…     And so, he sank into an intimate and marvelous vision of a past he had lived way back when. Confused, he abruptly perceived a multitude of different sounds. and among them, he distinguished voices. After a…

  • And, if it was all merely but a dream?

    And, if it was all merely but a dream?

    If it were but a dream, whom do I have to thank for it all?        Totally defeated by fatigue, derived from so much wandering about, he fell asleep again. In a manner that could be put forth, by some, as magical, he slept under the imposing influence of the deep roots of…

  • Life is but a dream

    Life is but a dream

    In the short while he had slept, he dreamed so many lives… so belonged to other, some were his own      After a long and profound daydream, beneath the shade of the beautiful tree in the central park, the traveller woke from a daydream, into which he had lapsed without realizing it. The tree…

  • The inhabitants of the deep marshes

    The inhabitants of the deep marshes

    In between decisions,  some well done, others maybe not… that’s how he lived his life As he dreamed, he relived that night when his mother talked to him about the black birds and destinies. “Look son, we all reach times in life in which we have to take a decision, some are important, some just…

  • The bucolic life of the country

    The bucolic life of the country

    Some moments ,like a good meal, leave a flavour behind in our memory.    It was during one of those nights that his mother talked to him about destiny. She also explained how everyone needed to pursue their own particular mission in life. That was a quiet night, so typical of the countryside evenings. The…

  • The decisions of life

    The decisions of life

    And he decided that life as it was, did not actually fit him They sat together at nights,  before the firewood stove in the kitchen, once having finished with the daily chores. His mother, would narrate stories that described how life was interpreted a long and distant time ago, way before she was born. Those…

  • The memory of its waters

    The memory of its waters

    And his dreams, with all his secret desires, were taken away by the river, as he ran to encounter the sea,  where they were eventually buried  deep in the memories of its waters…   Stories                In Spanish                How to buy     …

  • The dreams of past lives

    The dreams of past lives

    In the land where dreams are woven, he found that everything is possible And after much wandering and countless hardships on the road, he finally arrived to lands unknown to men…  the domains where new dreams are woven, and the many-times lived, worn-down dreams, are repaired, together with the failed, broken-down, sad dreams. Exhausted, the traveller sat down…