Searching for treasures

Fraont cover of Searching for treasures


When I think of a treasure, something precious, of a great value comes to mind. I think of some object that strongly appeals to me, as well as, causing me to feel intensely endeared towards it; because, it has somehow captivated me. Following this thought, Colombia can be seen of as a country offering a wealth of experiences to be lived. In this sense, it constitutes a treasure, out there and just waiting to be discovered.

The book, Searching for treasures, presents a collection of stories about this county. They affectionately store a myriad of experiences acquired through quite a long time of living in it. Its narratives attempt to portray and also to communicate, a formidably immense cultural diversity, as discovered by the author. It is in their pages that the dreams of a visitor come together, as he travels its roads through mountains, valleys, jungles, rivers and wide flatlands, admiring the diversity of the Colombian landscapes.

Finally, the stories in this book must be understood as an interpretation made by a foreigner journeying and discovering these Colombian lands. Those beautiful cities and towns, that profound richness of the country’s history, the diversity of musical and artistic manifestations, and the exquisite scope of the delicious culinary traditions are revealed and described by the fictional characters of these narratives as they tell their own stories in their own words.

This and so much more is the richness that may be found in these dreamy landscapes, ever present even in the most remote corners. These are the treasures to be found as one passes through, to be cherished and kept forever as one leaves those unforgettable domains…

This book is currently in being translated from Spanish into English and will be available this year…

A Brief description of the books

In the land of volcanoes                        The colours of our blood