Month: December 2016

  • A little girl of many worlds

    A little girl of many worlds

    For her, every book was but a window that opened to a new world , waiting to be explored From the heights, he encountered on his path, Magnifico carefully observed every single detail that made up his world and perfectly at ease in its midst. Meanwhile, Camila lived in her own world, and she enjoyed…

  • A well-centred little boy

    A well-centred little boy

    And when the child talked, the grownups listened attentively… In a similar manner, Magnifico would comment on the necessity of wearing warm clothes and bundling up to protect oneself during the long hours of the coming night. Quietly and without further thought, he pointed out that at dawn the cold would be a bit intense.…

  • In the matters of weather

    In the matters of weather

    And who, upon awakening, can unequivocally say… what the day will bring? As it happened, even before he had reached his seventh tender year of bucolic life, that surprising country boy had compiled an extensive abundance of skills to interpret his passage through the world. This prosperity of multiple possibilities that he held on how…

  • Awareness of the moment

    Awareness of the moment

    I believe that unlike other people, I have never lost myself and have always known where I can be found. In fact I find it hard to believe, and very much so, that somebody could actually lose himself. From “The Treasure”, in the book, Searching for treasures by edudelcorral By the birds as they sang,…

  • Sense of direction

    Sense of direction

    He always knew the where and the when of any place he found himself in That was how, among other things, he learned to measure time. He could determine it accurately and with unbelievable precision, just by observing the wealth of tiny details surrounding him. These talked to him about the time of the day…

  • Life’s lessons

    Life’s lessons

    The best lessons of his life, were outside of the classroom So, as it happened, his father spared no effort in transmitting his vast experience to his young son. He didn’t limit his teaching to matters concerning the farm, but went further still, trying to explain the world that surrounded them, communicating a wealth of…

  • Plans and dreams

    Plans and dreams

    Without dreams, flight becomes an impossibility Nothing could be further from the truth and especially from his dreams and the grand plans towards the future, carefully stored in the hopes and the mind of the child… For him, life was perfect and clearly defined.  For him, life was perfect and clearly defined. In a very…

  • What comes around…goes around

    What comes around…goes around

    He never did plant what he wouldn’t wouldn’t serve at his own table “I agree, Camila. It’s too bad, but I think you have a point there. I also felt she was on the point of tears and very scared. It’s just very silly. She should know she’ll never lose me.” “The way I see it,…

  • Abandoned nests

    Abandoned nests

    Though the nest may be so comfortable, it is hopelessly left behind, in the moment when wings reach out for flight… Camila was the first to break the silence. Her voice reflected a meditative state of mind. “You know something?” “Excuse me?” was Magnifico’s reply. He was also lost in his own thoughts. “It seems it was…

  • The trials of growing up

    The trials of growing up

    A new life is invariably begins with labor pains Outside, holding hands and deeply pensive, Magnifico and Camila walked. Without having heard the conversation between the parents, they too were totally engrossed in their own reflections concerning the morning’s events. Juana, the shepherd, if only in performing her job, though not by breeding, was attentively…